About WCMEW:

A Convener for Planning Wisconsin's Health Care Workforce Needs


The mission of WCMEW is to ensure a health care workforce that meets the needs of Wisconsin citizens by convening a wide breadth of stakeholders to:

  • Create a comprehensive statewide health care workforce strategic plan, and provide ongoing monitoring of progress towards plan objectives.

  • Work with Wisconsin’s education and training organizations to promote an appropriate supply of health care practitioners.

  • Monitor changes in care delivery, and encourage incorporation of those changes into education and training, and expansion of best practices.

  • Promote ongoing research, education and communication on workforce issues.

    The WCMEW Council Seeks to Find Common Ground on the Changes We Believe Need to Be Promoted, and Looks to Council Member Organizations to Realize That Vision


    WCMEW At a Glance


The Wisconsin Council on Medical Education and Workforce (WCMEW) was formed in 2004 as a response to “Who Will Care for Our Patients?,” a report that predicted a future shortage of health care practitioners and called for action to address it. Since its inception, WCMEW has served as a convener and platform for highlighting health care workforce issues.

Why Workforce, and Why Now? 

Various estimates predict a physician shortage of approximately 25,000 physicians, nurses, and advanced practice clinicians by 2035 (see WCMEW's 2021 report). While reforms in care delivery, initiatives to train and fully integrate Advanced Practice Clinicians, and regional approaches to workforce needs have made significant gains, there is a lot of work to be done. In order for Wisconsin to care for its rapidly aging population, make efficient use of and retain today's current workforce, and ensure quality care for all residents, statewide strategy is critical. Challenges continue in coordination of clinical sites, various approaches to workforce planning across health care leadership, and geographic maldistribution of clinicians across Wisconsin. To ensure an adequate workforce a decade in the future, planning and action is needed now.

More workforce data



WCMEW serves as Wisconsin’s leading convener of diverse stakeholders and thought leaders concerned about our current and future health care workforce. Members include health care providers, educational institutions, and other stakeholders in Wisconsin’s health care workforce. Organizations represented on the Council include:

  • Wisconsin Nurses Association

  • UW School of Medicine and Public Health

  • Wisconsin Academy of Family Physicians

  • Wisconsin Academy of Physician Assistants

  • Wisconsin Hospital Association

  • Rural Wisconsin Health Cooperative

  • Wisconsin Medical Society

  • Wisconsin Center for Nursing

  • State of Wisconsin

  • Wisconsin AHEC

  • Pharmacy Society of Wisconsin

Contact WCMEW to learn more